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Typical University Facilities to Assist International Students

Typical University Facilities to Assist International Students
Foreigners continue to study in Japan in greater numbers. In 2017, the nation hosted over 267,042 international students, 188,384 of whom attended colleges and universities. With 298,980 pupils, the number climbed by 12% in 2018.
208,901 people, or 10.9% more than the previous year, chose higher education. Japan is anticipating an ongoing rise, which can only indicate that demand for its top-notch education is rising elsewhere. You may have just received your diploma from your Japanese language school and are planning to enroll in a daigaku, or university. Try it out! Your years as a student will undoubtedly be your finest.

Common University Resources for Foreign Students to Study

80 percent of the 780 or so universities in Japan are private. For a variety of reasons, hundreds of thousands of international students decide to attend school here. Students often want to study in Japan for the entire experience since they are interested in Japanese language and culture. In addition, the education system in Japan is regarded as one of the greatest in the world.
It’s not surprising that international students fantasize of attending school in the land of the rising sun given that institutions like the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka University, and Tohoku University made the 2019 list of the top 100 universities! If you’re headed to university in Japan, you probably have some questions regarding the resources available to support your studies. There will be more than enough of everything you need! Continue reading to find out what to expect from a Japanese university:


In 2018, Japan registered 1,512 university libraries in total. Since the number of students has been rising steadily each year, you probably have access to more libraries today! Libraries are unquestionably among the amenities that are most necessary in any academic setting. You may be confident that all the books, publications, or journals need for your studies are accessible since Japan boasts one of the best educational systems in the world.
To see how accessible and plentiful university libraries are in Japan, visit the library system at the University of Tokyo. Apart from the General Library, Komaba Library, and Kashiwa Library, the top university alone contains 27 libraries. Non-members may also profit! Japan is unquestionably a sanctuary for bookish international students.


The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in Japan competes on a worldwide scale. In reality, the nation has improved throughout the years and was placed 10th in 2017. That only indicates that you have access to top-notch ICT resources! ICT courses are offered at a number of Japanese institutions, including Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo. ICT and IT are technically comparable, however ICT primarily focuses on communication technology. Additionally, studying at a Japanese institution gives you an advantage because to the country’s cutting-edge technologies.
The campus ICT facilities & services of Kyoto University provide a variety of labs, including the Visualization Laboratory and the Video Media Laboratory. The Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies is where they belong. Your possibilities to learn greatly improve when you have access to all the research labs. Japan’s universities make the most of technology, and you may take use of these resources for your education as well. Just how intriguing is that?

Lounges, Centers, and Exchange Halls

Japan has an enormous influx of foreign students each year, and colleges are equipped to meet their educational demands. The exchange halls or centers are one of the necessities for students enrolled in foreign study programs. As an international student, go to your university’s international exchange center with any queries or concerns!
This facility’s only purpose is to assist the nation’s foreign students. Multipurpose centers, halls, and lounges provide a secure environment for international students who need assistance with their studies and stay in Japan. Orientations and other activities specifically for overseas students are often held by universities at these facilities. Right in before of your eyes, globalization takes happening in these areas! Find this facility first when you get to your institution, and you’ll be good to go for your time studying abroad in Japan.

Medical Services

The health care system of Japan should be understood first and foremost. Undoubtedly, you will need to plan for emergencies, especially health ones, given the length of your stay abroad as a student from another country. It may seem terrifying to need medicine in Japan, but thankfully you can get health insurance!
The university will choose which medical treatments are offered, although yearly checks are often required. Additionally, you may seek therapy or advice! Japan generally offers medical care via universal health coverage. All Japanese citizens and foreign nationals who have resided in Japan for more than a year are eligible. While studying in Japan, keep yourself healthy. Consider using the health services offered by your university


You’ve undoubtedly already heard about how difficult it may be for foreigners to locate rental properties in Japan. And if you’re a student, what’s more? It will take time and money to discover a unit that is suitable for your academic needs. Japanese universities can save you from that challenging process, nevertheless! There are several residence halls set up particularly for foreign students.
Staying close to school will provide you more time for your study. That is but one advantage of living in a university residence hall. During your time as a student in Japan, our institution places a high priority on your safety and security. Additionally, you will continue to remain close with your foreign classmates! In order to ensure the comfort and safety of all students, Japanese institutions provide dormitories, particularly for overseas students. You’re okay to go as long as you understand and follow the guidelines.


Japan’s universities are prepared to accept students from across the world. The intention is to provide the same excellent amenities that are accessible to students in Japan. The project distinguishes the nation in terms of its educational systems! Let your fears go, and know that your time at the institution of your choice will be wonderful. Please find out about the many resources offered by the institution you’ve chosen to attend and make use of them for your studies. You’ll undoubtedly get only the finest!

JaLS Group

Japanese Language School, aka, JaLS is one of the top language schools in Japan based in Hokkaido and Kyoto. Our motto is to make students to learn Japanese and its culture, fall in love with Japan and make memories that will last a lifetime. Through this blog, we will give you information covering various thing about studying in Japan.


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